Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I managed to snatch a quick hour or two in the garden this morning before rushing off to my bridge game. I moved some annuals. The newly planted bed in the front garden will need a bid of cheering up this spring, so I moved some poppies, larkspur, coreopsis and columbine. Watered it and now I have to pray that the promised cold spell for next week isn't quite as cold as promised. I cut back the straggly blackfoot daisies. They are always the first to start flowering and then it's impossible to cut them back. Who would cut off a flower..not I. Also cut back the lantana outside the front gate. I think it has had long enough out there. Need something new to replace it.
I am noticing that there are very few bluebonnets this year. Those that germinated after the fall rain in Sept. succumbed to the dry months that followed. Trust nature will take care of her own. Must make sure the heater is not packed away in the trailer. I think the greenhouse is going to need it.

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